
My little pony mods
My little pony mods

Basic magic for unicorns, flying for pegasi, and possibly modify it so that earth ponies can farm while others can't, or at least farm a lot better. If you want to contact me and possibly help form a team, drop me a message at "Abilities for the different types would be nice.

my little pony mods my little pony mods

There is a lot of things that could be changed and I can't think of all of them off the top of my head. Abilities for the different types would be nice. Making CaS into CaP (Create a Pony) and have detail physical appearances and adding all of/ the majority of ponies from the show into the towns and adding wings and horns to certain characters. Changing Starlight Shores to Canterlot, Sunset Valley to Ponyville and turn Bridgeport to Manehatten.

my little pony mods

What I'm suggesting, is an entire Mod that completely changes everything in Sims 3. All that I see that has anything to do with MLP is poorly designed humanized sims that have poor creation detail. Hi guys, So, I've been thinking for a while about a MLP mod for Sims 3.

My little pony mods